Quicktorrent stop operasi

Salah satu layanan Torrent Leech yang muncul pada awal tahun 2015 akhirnya harus menutup situsnya dikarenakan kendala payment gateway.

Per 4November2015 berikut kutipan email dari pengelola Quicktorrent.io

A message from the Quick Torrent team. The QT team would like to thank all of our users for their support over the last year. Quick Torrent has been an amazing experience for it’s creators. We grew an idea into a product and that product into a business. We took time out of our lives to work on QT and to make it great, and I think for a time, it was. However, at the beginning of last month, our payment provider decided to part ways with us, and QT was in trouble. We searched for an investor to pay for our bills while we looked for a new payment solution, and for a while, we thought we had found one. Alas, we had not and as of today, Quick Torrent is shutting down. We love all of our users, and we regret that this will be inconvenient and frustrating to you all. Of course there will be a few questions two of which I will attempt to answer: 1) Can I get a refund if I still have days? If you payed for days which have not yet ran out, you can request a refund using the paypal ‘file a dispute’ process. 2) I paid with Bitcoin and did not get to use the service, what can I do? We will be refunding all of our users who paid with Bitcoin, please email support@quicktorrent.io with your account email address, Coinbase reference number and a BTC address which you want the refund sent to. Lastly I would like to add that the technology / product of Quick Torrent is for sale for a flat rate of $2000.00. This does not include our existing customers or their information. Only the technology (source code, config details etc) to run Quick Torrent and also documentation on how to set everything up etc. Please contact support@quicktorrent.io if you are interested in discussing this further Lastly, Pierre and Jason would like to thank all of the fantastic users who have provided us with their time and supported us during tough times. We are sorry that our time together has to end this way.


